
Cusco Trip POST #3

(once again, please check out the previous cusco posts for the beginning of the trip!)

So now, to continue on with our trek towards Machu Picchu!

Day 2: Hike it out.
After an early breakfast, the group followed our new guide Antonio to the edge of the mountain we were about to climb down. He gave us a brief explanation about the history of the town that used to rest in the valley below before a landslide completely wiped it out. Throughout our hike he told us numerous stories about Quechua beliefs of respecting Pachamama (mother earth) and all that she has given to the people of the earth. Once again, I'll save you the history lessons, but if you want to hear about it later, let me know.

This hike was pretty easy, only about 18 kilometers over a 7-8 hour span. We ate lunch in the middle of nowhere at a tiny restaurant with people who were baffled why Esya, Sophia and I were vegetarians. (What else is new??). We walked through parts of jungle, where we saw incredible amounts of orchids, banana trees, waterfalls, coffee trees, huge flowers, and of course, bugs. I have quite a nice collection of bug bites. I'm planning on bringing them back to the States, along with my new sexy socks-tucked-in-pants bike style...I figure I'll get lots of phone numbers that way.

We arrived in Aguas Calientes, all beyond ready for a shower or three, only to find out that we got there during a time of "mantenimiento" meaning the water in the whole city was shut off to preserve it. Coooool. When it did come on a few hours later, we all got to take nice ice cold showers before a huge, unreal dinner. Nothing like shower of icicles, I tell ya.

Half the group joined the German guy Andre in his room for some amazing Chilean wine to toast to good luck before Machu Picchu the next morning.

Here are some photos from the day, MP post soon to come!!:

COFFEE!! All those years at Caribou got me excited to see these berries/beans
Our guide for the day, Antonio

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